Garden Snail on polystyrene - Kingsland rd |
This is our common garden snail. They can live for several years and this one that I found just off the Kingsland rd was obviously fairly mature. The garden snail has both male and female genitals. They mate by firing sperm into one another, then they crawl away to lay their eggs of which there may be forty or so per batch. They hatch after around a month as mini replicas of mature snails. As they grow so does their shell. Birds will eat large numbers of them especially song thrush. They are terrestrial molluscs and are edible which is a satisfactory way of keeping them from eating any edible vegetation that you may keep.
Hello, I just wanted to tell you I was very happy to find your blog! I'm relatively new to London and I'm interested in the animals we have around. I'm currently reading through an old nature book from the 1800s about the wildlife in the area and I'm enjoying making comparisons to modern day. Your blog has also been very helpful in providing photos of some of the species mentioned, as I am not familiar with what they look like myself. Anyway, great job!