About Me

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London, United Kingdom
This blog will contain pictures and information from my everyday encounters with nature in London and the surrounding areas. I will log details of the origin of each photograph thus recording what there is to be seen and where it was seen. I very much welcome anyone else who can upload photos and information about nature in London and the home counties. I work freelance in the film industry so have plenty of days off. I hope to update Monday to Friday and once on the weekend posting at around 19.30, I don't post on bank holidays

Friday 15 April 2011

Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae)

Small Tortoiseshell
This photo was taken last summer in Essex, the small tortoiseshell was perched on a lavender bush. It’s a very common butterfly, which is very easy to identify by the blue marginal spots and bright orange wings. It is possible to confuse with the Large tortoiseshell but the LT is obviously larger, it also is unlikely to have the blue marginal spots and should be a duller orange. This butterfly might be seen at any time of year, it depends on the temperature being high enough. Usually they will come out at the end of March, beginning of April until late summer. The underside of their wing is much duller which acts as camouflage whilst they hibernate in hollow trees or buildings. They have very interesting mating habits and behaviors. Sadly their numbers are in decline at the moment, which may be caused by a number of reasons for more information on this visit the brilliant UK butterflies website.

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